OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Enchantment

mixed media - watercolour, hand paper cut, paper
101x70 cm

Laura Duduleanu

nato/a a Romania
residenza di lavoro/studio: Timisoara, ROMANIA

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2022


visualizzazioni: 340


Altre opere

 | Eternal Youth

Eternal Youth
mixed media - watercolour, hand paper cut, paper
100x70 cm

 | Floating Lyrics

Floating Lyrics
mixed media - paper cut, watercolour, paper
90x68 cm

 | Historia Naturalis

Historia Naturalis
mixed media - hand paper cutting, watercolour, paper
99x66 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

The artwork aims to analyze the theme of insects/butterfly in the sphere of visual arts from the perspective of the visual artist, as basis of the research, presenting certain technical, artistic and conceptual aspects. The present study highlights the representations of certain specimens in the area of artistic creation and analyzes three stages of the creative act - from simple curiosity to science and to purely aesthetic value - the observations made in the field of entomology being part this. Surprising the phenomenon of decontextualization of arthropods in the natural environment leads the research towards original artistic manifestations and concerns, which leads me to pay great attention to the aesthetic side in the context of the elaboration of compositional structures in personal artistic creation.