OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Scultura/Installazione


manual assembling on site, cutting, cotton threads- strips, residues from fabric production, video projection- video projector, anchoring tools
300 x 300 x 200 cm

Lucia Hornakova Cernayova

nato/a a Nove Zamky, Slovakia
residenza di lavoro/studio: Banska Bystrica, SLOVAKIA

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2022

http://www.luciahornak.sk @luciahornak

visualizzazioni: 227


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

My project is based on looking at and recording the process of transformation and disappearance of the tradition of the textile industry in my native region. Through the installation media, crossing the remnants of the warp and the weeds from one of the last factories in Trenčín, which had to give way this autumn to the intentions of developers in the construction of a shopping center. Weaving is a cross that I multiplie in installation, expresses a complicated mutual understanding of the views of different parties and prevents us from seeing things clearly. The video projection maps a short period of time for the demolition of the remnants of memory of the tradition of the textile industry in Trečín, which was destroyed by political events and decisions and in the 1990s.
I would like to send more views on the site specific installation and also the design the assembly of the work in the space. Please can you write if it’s possible?
from 2021 actualy doctoral student at Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Fine Arts; 2016- 2019 Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Additional Pedagogical Study; MA- 2005- 2008 Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts, Concepual trends, Environment studio; 2001- 2005 Academy of Arts, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, Faculty off Fine Arts, Studio of Interactive Painting; Erasmus interships: 2004 Academy of Fine Arts Warsaw, Poland, Studio of Painting, Arts in Public Space, Lithography;2007 Academy of Fine Arts Lecce, Italy, Studio of Painting;
During years 2013-2021 I was cofounder and co-organisator of the HALA events - visual art exhibition, creating site specific visual art in brownfield spaces and Trencin city space.
www.facebook.com/sympoziumhala @halasympozium
SELECTION OF EXHIBITIONS:2021 Lokal, @ZahradaCNK , 365.labb, Banská Bystrica, SR, 2018 ”Join the Dots - Combining distances”, Tieste, IT; 2016 Tree_House_Tree_, Young’s gallery, Nitra Gallery, SR; 2014 No Comment? vol.4, Central Slovakian Gallery, Banská Bystrica, SR; 2013 No Comment? vol.3, Galerie TIC, Brno, CR; 2019 Path of Salvation, Milos Alexander Bazovsky’s Gallery, Trenčín, SR