OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Awakening

oil colour on canvas, fusain
100 x 120 cm

Pinar Ture Gursoy

nato/a a Istanbul
residenza di lavoro/studio: İstanbul, TURKEY

iscritto/a dal 24 feb 2022


visualizzazioni: 474


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Description of Awakening
The slow awakening of feminine energy on the planet is depicted.
The intense masculine attitude unfortunately brought our world to the brink of a great disaster in every way. Oil colour painting was made with charcoal pencil drawing and pouring technique on canvas that the canvas has been painted over and over again by aging…
Pinar Ture Gursoy is a portrait & figurative painter and photographer who was born in 1965 in Istanbul.
She completed her higher education in “Urban and Regional Planning” in Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul.
Between 2010 and 2014, she got back to university and graduated from BA in “Philosophy” from Anadolu University with distinction. While studying philosophy, she was also living on and off in Paris and participating to workshops at the “Académie de la Grande Chaumière” in Paris.  
During 2015-2018, in this time she lived on and off in London. In this period she graduated from MSc in Museum Management from “Istanbul University”. 
She has been many Group and solo exhibiting and auctions in various Turkish cities and also abroad in Tokyo, Lucern, Zurich, Deventer, Venice, Napoli, Tiran, Marakkesh, Thessaloniki, London, Milan, Tolentino, Fuerteventura, Pennsylvania etc...
Some of her works are included in the collection of TEV(Turkish Education Foundation) and Portart by Hakan Körpi/ UPSD, Museum of Tolentino in Italy for Biennial BIUMOR etc.
She was shortlisted among thousands of international competitors and works at the UK- « VAO Visual Art Open 2021 Art Awards », where she participated with a single work.
NNC (No Name Collective Gallery) Collective 2021 challenge contest she participated in was chosen by the curators to the shortlist for the 1st level. And also published at NNC Gallery UK November Issue 2021 Art Magazine/ “October selected”
Pinar Ture Gursoy’s two artworks selected for Exhibition of “Blue Competition and Exhibition” in the USA,Pennsylvania at December 01-31, 2021
She was selected among as one of the 100 finalists on the 50th contest on World Wide Art and Artavita Santa Barbara,USA February 17th, 2022
Specially invited and registered for Art Ideal Magazine Volume 2 Feb/ March 2022 Circle Foundation for the Arts (work in progress)
Specially invited and registered for the International Parallax Art Fair UK which will take place on July,1-3 2022 in London- Kensington Town Hall, England (wip)
Specially invited and registered by the owner and manager for the International Art Anthology V 2022 Madrid Edition at June 2022 (which will be contain to the National Library of Spain archive) (wip)
She currently lives and works in her own atelier/ homestudio in Istanbul.