OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | My books, the only friends!

My books, the only friends!
acrylic on canvas,
30x24 cm

Tania Stefania Katzouraki

nato/a a Athens
residenza di lavoro/studio: Athens, GREECE

iscritto/a dal 16 mar 2022


visualizzazioni: 1807


Altre opere

 | The girl’s heart

The girl’s heart

 | Dog’s pupils are tiny

Dog’s pupils are tiny

 | Dog’s pupils are large because of the UV lamps and the special use of fluorescent colors

Dog’s pupils are large because of the UV lamps and the special use of fluorescent colors

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Sadness expression with book relaxation. Sleeping on my Book! Bio: Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics from Imperial College London and 3 times Public Choice Award winner in 2021 from Biafarin platform and Gold Award (fluorescence category) for the artwork entitled: No Title, in the World Association of Artists (WAA) Annual International Art Competition 2021 Publications in Art: 1. International Gold Award (fluorescent category) by the World Association of Artists for the artwork entitled: No Title, in the WAA Annual International Art Competition 2021. 2. CANCER: Never Give Up - 2021 Inspire the world in fighting diseases such as cancer in your artistic way Duration: From 12-Nov-2021 To 22-Dec-2021 Organizer: Gallerium Venue: Biafarin Online Exhibition Public Choice Award Winner 3. Winner of the Public Choice Award Diversia: Human Rights - 2021 A group exhibition to honor Human Rights Duration: From 19-Dec-2021 To 23-Feb-2022 It is supported by the Art Biafarin Platform https://www.biafarin.com/p/artist.html?name=tania-stefania-katzouraki 4. Winner of the Public Choice Award MMIX - 2021 Group Exhibition: Duration: From 04-Sep-2021 To 14-Oct-2021 Organizer: Exhibizone Venue: Biafarin Online Exhibition Code: EXH243410602 5. May 2021 - Participation in the Moscow street exhibition: The street exhibition with topic freedom of the artist. Exhibited the artwork: Dadaism Poem with art curator: Shevtsova Ksenia @etovistavka (Instagram account) Location: Hohlovsky Pereulok 7/9 , Moscow, Rusia 6. Art Book: Art and Art Market Masters of 21st century by K. Heinz Playner 7. Interview in: About Art Magazine Nr 3/4 , 2016 - Nr1 , 2017 by K. Heinz Playner