OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Cosmological Landscapes: The Genesis

Cosmological Landscapes: The Genesis
mixed media, oil, acrylic mirror on canvas
136x86 cm

V_ Albu_Kanti

nato/a a Moldova
residenza di lavoro/studio: Chisinau, MOLDOVA

iscritto/a dal 28 apr 2022

visualizzazioni: 178


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Description: In our everyday life, we get used to different kinds of landscapes from wild nature to the landscapes corroded or enhanced by human activity. That makes it possible for one’s imagination to create their own picture of the surrounding world as a memorized chain of landscapes ever seen or imagined. As today reality, due to the indisputable successes of the astronomical laboratories such as HUBBLE and others, the topics and picture from the astronomy goes in our everyday life. The “Cosmological landscapes” series of paintings represents the author’s attempt to deliver to a visitor’s imagination a possibility to perceive the objects of the Universe that constitute the parts of any Cosmological landscape. The richness of that kind of landscapes can be amazing and only will enhance it due to progress of technological progress. Nevertheless, these parts should be regarded only in their evolution from the beginning of the Universe – from the Big Bang. “The Genesis” represents the evolutionary organized as a Fibonacci spiral of Golden Ratio’ dimensioned canvases, each of them containing an object of the Universe for the specific period of its evolution. The use of a mirror of two colors for the specific period brings the visitors’ attention towards fractality of the Universe and its existence within metaphysical extra-dimension. As our planetary landscapes are of large popularity among travelers, similarly the cosmological landscape will be popular for space travelers in the closest future.
BIO: Veaceslav Albu (aka V. Albu-Kanti) is an emergent contemporary artist born in 1960 in Moldova.
Albu-Kanti started his art career in 2018 as a conceptual self-taught artist. Starting from 2020 he collaborated with his art teacher Victor Cuzmenco. In two-year term they created many co-authored artworks using pseudonym V. Cuzmenco.
In 2021 Albu-Kanti’s first artwork won participation and became prizewinning during London Art Biennale.
Since 2022 he started the solo art career under the pseudonym V. Albu-Kanti developing his own creative concept of Cosmologic Art. The holder of PhD in Computer Science, MA in Philosophy and the current scientific researcher, V. Albu-Kanti applies the expertise in mathematics, artificial intelligence, computer science, natural laws, physics, and philosophy in his artistic practice. The notable characteristics of his works are the use of colors in spectrum order, application of golden ratio principles as the ideal aesthetics of nature, fractal elements and mirrors as the symbol of extra imaginary dimension of the Universe.