Premio Combat Prize

Andrius Butvilas - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Grafica

 | Madonna with a child

Madonna with a child
pastel, paper

Andrius Butvilas

nato/a a Lithuania
residenza di lavoro/studio: Kaunas, LITHUANIA

iscritto/a dal 12 mag 2016

visualizzazioni: 1158


Altre opere

 | Angel

pastel, paper

 | Longing

pastel, paper

 | Miss Sheep

Miss Sheep
pastel, paper

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

One of the main Andrius Butvilas’ characters is a bird. According to the artist, the image of the bird settled in his subconscious and imagination when he was a child looking at fairy tale books full of various drawings. That fairy tale bird flew away and moved into the works of Andrius Butvilas, in which he tells the story of human life.
In this pastel drawing is shown Maddona with a child in different way, like symbol of bird mother and egg. Egg and white shell purity creates mystery what is in it. Egg is the spark of creation, birth, beginning of new life. Bird mother - symbol of happiness, touching, leads us into comforting thoughts, security, and an assurance that everything will be alright.
Bachelor‘s degree of art and technologies. Take part in exhibitions from year 2005 in Lithuania.
Exlusively artist draw in hand-milled soft pastel chalks on black paper. Artist creates stories and even lives on the black sheet of paper with pastels.