Premio Combat Prize

Angelikapa Panagiotidou - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Flying Away

Flying Away
oil, canvas

Angelikapa Panagiotidou

nato/a a Graz
residenza di lavoro/studio: Thessaloniki, GREECE

iscritto/a dal 11 apr 2016

visualizzazioni: 1298


Altre opere

 | On the Road

On the Road
oil, canvas

 | Secrets

oil, canvas

 | The Boat

The Boat
oil, canvas

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Angelika’s Story
Angelika PraPa was born in Graz, Austria, and her Austrian mother and Greek father raised her in Thessaloniki, Greece. After her studies in Comparative Literature and Psychology, she followed a professional career in writing and editing didactic and psychological-medical books. Her initial academic career included collaborations with well-known institutions, such as the Goethe Institute and the German School of Thessaloniki, but her interest in painting led her to the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, where she graduated with excellence.
Artistic Development
London Art Biennale, Chelsea Old Tawn Hall
Teatro Dei Dioscuri, Rome, ”Artisti contemporanei tra castore polluce”
Vatican, Rome, ”L’Arte Contemporanea”
Historical Museum of Archeology of Olbia, Sardegna, ”Artisti Internationali”
Biennale Chianciano, Art Museum Chianciano
Personal Exhibition, Goethe Institut of Thessaloniki, ”Genius Locki”
Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, ”Graduants”
Gallery ”Ro”, Thessaloniki, ”Art Action”
Kapudag Gallery, Istanbul, Art Istanbul
State San Louis Potosi, Mexico, “Intersections”
Vlassis Art Gallery, Thessaloniki, “The Inner Game”
Printmaking Centre Helios, Thessaloniki, “To the Point”
Graduated from the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Sismanoglio Megaro, Istanbul, “Extroversion”
Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, “Inspire”
The Big White Fine Arts, Mykonos, “Summer 2012”
Museum of Photography, Thessaloniki, Biennale, “Vom Photo”
Aggelon Vima Art Gallery, Athens, “The Gods of small things”
Personal Exhibition, Thessaloniki, ”Gegensätze”
Older Events
2010 Annual scholarship, ”scholarship foundation of Greece”
2008 Admission to the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2006 Archeological Museum of Kavala, Kavala, “Techni Politropos”
London Art Biennale, Highlight, ”Art Press 24”
Chianciano Biennale, Leonardo Award