Premio Combat Prize

Borsach - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | The relativity of poverty

The relativity of poverty
acrilic and mixed technique, canvas and fibreboard


nato/a a Csorna, Hungary
residenza di lavoro/studio: Budapest, HUNGARY

iscritto/a dal 15 apr 2016

visualizzazioni: 908


Altre opere

 | Syria

acrilic and mixed technique, printed acryl glass

 | Singularity

acrilic and mixed technique, canvas

 | Girl with silver cat

Girl with silver cat
acrilic and mixed technique, canvas

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

1.: The relativity of poverty : The slums and poverty are not country dependent just like virtual money, the richness the bitcoin.
2.: Syria: I started painting on the day of the chemical attack. All my sorrow went into the piece, the termination of human lives and cultures. I could not wait but completed it.
3.: Singularity: This is the first transformation from Stephen Hawking’s Theory of Singularity into painting. This is a first step to the art of astrophysics.
4.: Girl with silver cat
A casual sunday ethereal genre-piece
Borsach – Bors István
Biography and Artist Statement
„My aim was to create allegoric painting and abstract lyricism. This is LEA, Lyrical Expressive Allegory, the painting of sensitivity. The unhindered reflection of contours and colours to the world………
This used to be the battle of my own style, which formed the cornerstone. But now, illegality and persecution cast their shadow as I am getting older, because my reflections change and are delicate: poverty, orphans, political destiny, social responsibility, national - cultural values, equality and belief in the people. This is the sole and universal message: Mankind is liberating!”
As a child, I was influenced by my actor father’s contemporary painter friends, I draw and paint since then. These were the famous eighties. As I youngster I was greatly influenced by the painters of Győr such as Tóvári Tóth István and Barabás László and naturally the new wave and the style from the West.
I work as a spinal surgeon and while at medical school I became a painter scholar in Paris in 1994, and wanted to stay. My paintings were exhibited in Mednyánszky Gallery from 1998 in Budapest and I have regular exhibits in the Art Ten Gallery.
I had several milestones during my artistic career: we founded the Figurative Attack Project and Performance together with other young artists in 2000, which emphasised the lagging behind of the national „modern” art. In 2001 I became closely acquainted with Endre Szász’s work, a Hungarian painter-graphic artist and his professional technique enthralled me. Later, his widow who used to be his manager, Lula Szász discovered my work and this paved my career further on.
My first solo exhibit was in 2004 in the Stefánia Gallery (Budapest, Hungary), and then together with other artists in Balatonlelle. Together with Endre Szász we exhibited in 2010 in Sopron, in 2012 Ajka and Miskolc (The Night of the Arts).
International exhibitions, publications and awards:
In 2012 I exhibited at an International Exhibition in Prague.
In 2013 I participated on YICCA (International Contest of Contemporary Art).
In 2014 there was an interview in „The World and China” magazine.
In 2014 I entered the Siel de Paris - „Siel deParis - Scène Internationale des Expressions Libres” Scene International exhibit and auction and the 2014 NeXT-Art-Emotion Fonds de Dotation International Digital - SALLE DES VENTES ROSSINI.
In 2015 I became a member of the Museum of Living Art : le MoLA and the Epson Digigraphie®.
In 2015 I entered the Master of Art International Exhibition 2015 (Best Illustration and Self Representation Award).
cell: 00-36-30-4113219
add.: István Bors, Budapest, Istenhegyi u. 9/d 1126 Hungary