Premio Combat Prize

Caroline Hall - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Rollercoaster

oil and drill, aluminium
116x86, 2:30

Caroline Hall

nato/a a London
residenza di lavoro/studio: Winchester, ITALIA

iscritto/a dal 27 mar 2016

visualizzazioni: 859


Altre opere

 | Rollercoaster detail

Rollercoaster detail
oil, aluminium

 | Rollercoaster detail 2

Rollercoaster detail 2
oil and drill, aluminium

 | Rollercoaster 2

Rollercoaster 2
oil and drill, aluminium
70 x 70 x 2.5

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Caroline Hall graduated with a Masters in Painting in 2007, but she already has works in public and private collections worldwide. Her paintings explore landscapes that are glimpsed and fragmented. Based on video, photographs and personal experience, she paints onto the surface and then drills back into the Aluminium to make it part of the final work. These are landscapes seen from cars, trains and rollercoasters frozen for a split second.