Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Always in search of higher ends, Costantini tends to explore and develop her techniques with little regard for conventions.
For 5 years she learned abstract painting with Marcelo Maira. From those teachings Costantini acquired a new level of subtleness in chromatic expression.
She later takes several courses and workshops in the National Museum of Arts (Buenos Aires) with Mónica Lacarrieu. Such courses include ”Intangible Treasures of culture and Immaterial Heritage”. There she honed the concepts of harmony and personality as illustrated by the theorem of the Circultarity of Perfection. With these teachings she completes a long journey that began with her courses in Mayan wisdom in the Borges Cultural Center with Norma Baralessi.
She also attended other courses including argentine luminaries such as Hernan Marina, Esteban Lerardo and Adriana Escalona. These include International Contemporary Art at the MALBA.
After melding all her previous knowledge in her last exhibition, Costantini creates ”Fusion”, led by the hand of Alejandro Saganias.
Then Costantini studied “Art in Motion” at Columbia Foundation with Mary Jacovella. After that she attended courses on creative connectivity and a workshop of creativity with Silke.
That journey led her towards dharmic art and her pictures emerge from those concepts. With a renovated power in her brush and form, Costantini expresses a new wisdom achieved from meditation and a true contact with her most inner self.