Premio Combat Prize

Edward Oh - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Scultura/Installazione

 | Scenes from a memory

Scenes from a memory
ceramic , stone , moss
15 x 15 x 15

Edward Oh

nato/a a
residenza di lavoro/studio: Seoul, SOUTHKOREA

iscritto/a dal 07 mag 2016

visualizzazioni: 768


Altre opere

 | Scenes from a memory

Scenes from a memory
ceramic , stone , moss
15 x 15 x 15

 | Scenes from a memory

Scenes from a memory
ceramic, stone, moss
15 x 15 x 15

 | Scenes from a memory

Scenes from a memory
ceramic, stone, moss
15 x 15 x 15

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Description :
The horizon of this work lead you to the unbelievable sceneries in different countries around the world that are hommage for the real and beautiful nature in the world of rock cliffs, dense forest, wide green grassland, etc.
The artwork is completed by the final act of a audience.
That act is about a audience planting the memories of his/her experience, Various kinds of growing plants or trees offer different looks and memories as time passes.
United Kingdom, Italy, USA, China, Spain, Switzerland, Korea...
- Actively working on and holding exhibition with themes on environment problem, travel and memory.
- Creates modern art with an ecological vision.