Premio Combat Prize

Elke Reis - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | color meets form #2

color meets form #2
acrilic, canvas

Elke Reis

nato/a a Deutschland
residenza di lavoro/studio: Munich, GERMANY

iscritto/a dal 13 apr 2016

visualizzazioni: 713


Altre opere

 | color meets form #1

color meets form #1
acrilic, canvas

 | Hommage

oil, canvas

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

1965 born in Germany / early studies in painting / Master degree in education / 2007-2011 art studies in California, USA / living and working in Munich
about the artwork:
’color meets form’ is about the dialogue of colors, of form and color. in my works I’m not looking for a story to tell but to look for emotions, for the soul. Or in the words of Arshile Gorsky:”abstract art enables the artist to perceive beyond the tangible,
to extract the infinite out of the finite.
it is the emancipation of the mind. it is an explosion into unknown areas.”