Descrizione Opera / Biografia
The canvases by patalocchi build a livid, neon lighted dramaturgy of contemporary.
They’re drawn with corrosive strokes from metallic shades, a > [Santaniello F. (2012), Moreni, M.B. in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Treccani, Volume 76], remembering in this the artistic career of Moreni from ‘80/’90 years of the last century.
The protagonist is no longer the lone and> human body, >, or the landscape as well. A degraded and suffering landscape like the survived humanity walking on it; an ashen landscape made from the graphic crudity and acid colors, enveloped in dreamlike breeze.
A depiction of today’s dis-human world inhabited by fear, by the estrangement, and by socioeconomic and mass media violence, sharing of humanitarian disasters born by war and intolerance, by environmental exodus and devastation of biodiversity.
It’s a visionary paradigm of postmodern human condition, expressed in a strict construction of the space, in fluorescent tones eroded with misty colors of the socio-existential uneasiness.
As in the pop art in Patalocchi color > [Carriero C. (2003), Il consumo della pop art, Jaca Book, Milano, p.31]: color interprets the portrayed object, expressing the particular consumeristic ”existential situation” that even remains in this exploded daily condition, in advertising logo, evocative of efficiency, speed, techno-capitalism, like a spell that evens out all in exhibitionism and fierce loneliness.
The sign by Patalocchi reflects our time with all its aesthetic contradictions. In the words of Achille Bonito Oliva [Conti P. (2011), «Ma l’elogio della reazione ha fatto centro» in “Corriere della Sera” del 9.08.2011, p.34], its chromatic pathos ”has an energy function, it is a massage at the atrophied muscle of collective sensibility because ours is a mass society tamed by the media.”
Elisabetta D’Ambrosio