Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Artwork description:
Light can not be created without the presence of darkness; it displaces darkness and it is swallowed by it simultaneously. This eternal interleaving and conditioning of darkness and light in movement, to trace this simultaneity and contraryness, to follow it and to visualize it, is the topic of LINE&POINT.
This one-channel video-work, called SINK 1, continues to focus on the creation of light.
2007-2009 Teacher‘s certificate, Switzerland
2001 Multimedia Producer, SAE, Zürich, Switzerland
1980-1983 Lester Polakoff‘s Studio and Forum of Stage Design, New York.
2005-2015 Lecturer at Berufsschule für Gestaltung Zürich, Technical and Vocational College for print, design and painting professions/EDP., for scenic painting.
2012-2013 Lecturer at Bezalel Academy of the Arts, Jerusalem
Solo Exhibition
2015 LINE & POINT: Shape & Contradiction, Kiosk Tabak Gallery, Zürich, Switzerland
Selected Group Exhibitions
2016 Jerusalem Print Workshop: New Series
2015 6th Beijing International Biennale, China
2014 Open Studio, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China
Fresh Paint, Art Fair, Tel Aviv, Israel
Etching Has Many Faces, Gottesman Etching Center, Kabri, Israel.
2013 Traces in Time, Villa Renata, Basel, Switzerland.
Works held in private collections in Switzerland, England and Australia.
1985-2012 Works for private, public and corporate entities, mainly in Switzerland.
1996-2004 Managing partner SLS Illusion&Construction, Set-Design, Zürich, Switzerland
1991-1996 Managing partner Stahl- und Traumfabrik, Set-Design, Zürich, Switzerland
1985-1991 Managing partner Glanz&Gloria GmbH, Set-Design, Zürich, Switzerland
Awards and Grants
2006 Kuhn Organ Builders, tri-annual artist grant
1980 Cantone of Zürich Grant
2014 Beijing, Red Gate Residencies
2015 „Contradiction Turns To Shape“, Urs Steiner, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 2015
2014 „On Acknowledging the Visual Turn(s) in Gary Stern „Claire Cuccio, Independent Scholar, Beijing
2012 „Liquatus, Fusus, Runcinatus“; Periodical, Trix Tiefenbach, „Kuhn Organ Builders“, December 2012
2011 „Liquatus, Fusus, Runcinatus“; Periodical, Trix Tiefenbach, „Kuhn Organ Builders“, December 2011
2010 „Liquatus, Fusus, Runcinatus“,; Periodical, Trix Tiefenbach, „Kuhn Organ Builders“, December 2010