Premio Combat Prize

Gian Maria Marcaccini - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Scultura/Installazione

 | Step Into My Parlour (Self Portrait As Hendrik Kerstens As His Daugther #2)

Step Into My Parlour (Self Portrait As Hendrik Kerstens As His Daugther #2)
olio, tela,tessuto,cornice in legno
dimensioni variabili: 190x160x110 circa

Gian Maria Marcaccini

nato/a a Camerino
residenza di lavoro/studio: Roma, ITALIA

iscritto/a dal 17 apr 2016

visualizzazioni: 912


Altre opere

 | 1/4 + 1/2 – 1/4 (Self Portrait As Hendrik Kerstens As His Daughter)

1/4 + 1/2 – 1/4 (Self Portrait As Hendrik Kerstens As His Daughter)
olio, tela,tessuto,scarpe,cornice in legno
dimensioni variabili:180x50x10 circa

 | Portrait Of Beth #2

Portrait Of Beth #2
carboncino e acrilico, cartoncino

 | Portrait Of Giorgia

Portrait Of Giorgia
carboncino e acrilico, cartoncino

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Gian Maria Marcaccini studied contemporary art and visual design at the D.A.M.S. and the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, at the Brera’s Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, at the Barnett College in London, at the Fondazione Antonio Ratti for contemporary arts in Como and finally at the European Institute of Design in Rome.
The artist dedicates himself to visual art including installations, video art, sculpture, photography. He was still a student when he first gained recognition by important art magazines such as Flash Art.
After a period of time in which he focused mostly on visual communication design he returned to painting: portraiture enables him to see the nature of men and himself more clearly.