Premio Combat Prize


OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura


tempera, wood
120x96 cm


nato/a a GENOVA
residenza di lavoro/studio: MORBELLO COSTA (AL), ITALIA

iscritto/a dal 27 feb 2016

Under 35

visualizzazioni: 2457


Altre opere


oil, wood
20 pieces 25x20 cm cad.

 | SWIM#3

tempera, wood
113x170 cm


tempera, wood
107x76 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

The city, neighborhoods, our home, public space, the garden, what defines the parameters of social and interpersonal relationships?
The “Square“ series, encircles the definition of the square, demanding the urgency of its etymological root: the plan, the extension open to dialogue.
The square is a changing space, stretched between the collective expression in peace time and the defense of his own value in a state of repressive coercion.
The square is a place of action.
From July 3 to 26 , 2015, Human response time, international collective exhibition of Kunstgroup. Fortezza Orsini , Pitigliano (GR).
From May 15 to June 2, 2015, selected for Artefatto reset, european collective exhibition; promoted by GAI (giovani artisti italiani), Municipality of Trieste, BJCEM (Biennale des jeunes createurs d’europe at de la Mediterranee) and Youth in Action Programme of European Union. Palazzo Gopcevich; Trieste.
On September 25, 2014, scatolabianca Black Match|Didymos, conference curated by Martina Cavallarin, at scatolabianca(etc.), Milano.
From September 9 to September 25, 2014, Prototipi, solo exhibition, curated by scatolabianca, at scatolabianca(etc.), Milano.
From July 12 to August 10 , 2014, Punto Cieco, international collective exhibition of Kunstgroup. Fortezza Orsini , Pitigliano (GR).
From May 30 to June 16, 2014, selected for Artefatto crossing over, european collective exhibition, promoted by GAI (giovani artisti italiani), Municipality of Trieste and BJCEM (Biennale des jeunes createurs d’europe at de la Mediterranee). Exhibition sites: Camera di Commercio, Museo di Arte Orientale, Museo Sartorio, Museo Teatrale Carlo Schmidl, Museo Commerciale, Museo Postale e Telegrafico della Mitteleuropa, Questura di Trieste, Stazione Rogers, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne; Trieste.
January 2014, selected by scatolabianca as member | artist, Milano.
From August 22 to September 16, 2013, Tutto un mondo lontano, international collective exhibition organized by Kunstgroup Ventizerootto, Granai della Fortezza Orsini, Pitigliano (GR).
From May 24 to July 16, 2013 selected for Artefatto soft power, european colective exhibition, promoted by GAI (giovani artisti italiani), Municipality of Trieste and BJCEM (Biennale des jeunes createurs d’europe at de la Mediterranee). Exhibition sites: Civico Museo Revoltella, Palazzo Costanzi, Palazzo Gopcevich, Civico Museo Sartorio Park. Trieste.
From March 30 to April 14, 2013, Fondo Liquido, international collective exhibition, during the Festival Onde e Vortici, organized by Anna Maria Civico and Martin Figura, La Cascina, Capodimonte (VT).
From June 23 to August 4, 2012 selected for BLOOM2, international urban exhibition of visual art, organized by Arti Visive group of Impronta Culturale association, San Vito di Leguzzano (Vicenza).
June 2012, selected for the residency in Artestudio Ginestrelle, Assisi (director Marina Merli) . From December 2 to December 8, 2012, international collective exhibition, organized by Artestudio Ginestrelle, Le Logge Gallery, Assisi.
August 2011, selected for the residency in Artestudio Ginestrelle, Assisi (director Marina Merli). From 8 October to 15 October, 2011, international collective exhibition, organized by Artestudio Ginestrelle, Le Logge Gallery, Assisi.
From July 2011 to June 2012 work on the performance Into my home. Terni, Genova, Assisi, Alessandria, in private homes.
From June 17 to June 24, 2010, In “Proximity-tracing a channel between the essence of song and the ordinary contingenty”, selected for the residency in Centro Arti ex Opificio Siri CAOS, Terni. On June 24 open work session and meeting with the public.
From November 28 to December 2, 2010, “In Proximity” open work session, performance, meeting with the public; selected for the European Festival Dogana. Giovani idee in transito, Palazzo Ducale, Genova.
From August 2009 to February 2010 Didymos work with Ambra Battistelli and Anna Maria Civico, directed by Anna Maria Civico, on Irregular heartbeat-a drama concert. Amelia (TR), Pitigliano (GR), Genova.
From June 6 to June 20, 2009 take part of European exhibition-event Moti Urbani, StazionImpossibili, organized by 400KC association, Palazzo Nicotera, Lamezia Terme CZ.
From September 29 to October 6, 2007, take part to the European exhibition event PontileLamezia Nuove Ipotesi, organized by 400KC association, Lamezia Terme; Didymos exhibited the work “Topography of empthy”.
Publications on catalog:
-edited by Marina Frangiacomo and Susan Petri; Artefatto 10 Reset; printed by Riccigraf ; 2015; Trieste.
-edited by scatolabianca; I QUADERNI di scatolabianca; made and printed by scatolabianca, 2014, Milano.
-edited by Marina Frangiacomo and Susan Petri; Artefatto Crossing Over; printed by Mosetti tecniche e grafiche; 2014; Trieste.
-edited by Marina Frangiacomo and Susan Petri; Artefatto Soft Power 2013; printed by Mosetti tecniche e grafiche; 2013; Trieste.
-edited by Marina Merli, Artestudio Ginestrelle; Assisi International Contempory Art Guide 2012; printed with the grateful support of Council of Assisi; 2012; Assisi.
-edited by Marina Merli, Artestudio Ginestrelle; Assisi International Contempory Art Guide 2011; printed with the grateful support of Council of Assisi; 2011; Assisi.
-edited by Carlo Carlei and Caterina Misuraca; Oggettinstabili/2 Moti urbani Stazionimpossibili; publisher Silvana Editoriale; 2009; Cinisello Balsamo, Milano.
-edited by Carlo Carlei and Caterina Misuraca; OggettInstabili PontilLamezia Nuove Ipotesi; publisher Rubbettino; 2008; Soneria Mannelli, Catanzaro.
In the 2007 Alessia Certo and Giulia Vannucci created Didymos art group.
Previous formative and professional experiences:
Born in Genova, Italy; on May 20, 1985.
2003: General Certificate of Education at Italian secondary school specialising in art N. Barabino.
2008:Visual Art and Performance degree, specialising in Set Designer, at Academy of Fine Art, Genova, Italy.
Triennial thesis: thesis of set designer/theatre/musical composition. Supervisor: Professor Claudio Lugo.
Biennial thesis: thesis in performance. Supervisor: Professor Davide Zanoletti.
Artistic formative Worshop:
-From May 4 to 8 2011, workshop with the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, directed by Thomas Richards and Mario Biagini. Akropolis Theatre, Genova.
-From May 10 to 13 2010, workshop with the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, directed by Thomas Richards. Era Theatre and Le Vallicelle, Pontedera (PI).
-March 2009, workshop on vocal improvisation, singing, physical actions, directed by Anna Maria Civico, Terni.
-July 2008, workshop on physical actions and singing, directed by Gey Pin Ang, Terni.
-July 2007, workshop on singing and physical actions, directed by Anna Maria Civico. Scoppio, Acquasparta.
Artistic work:
In June 2006 created in Genova, with other seven set designers, T.U.O.N.O. Association, based on theatrical reserch, relation body-space. From June 2006 to May 2007 T.U.O.N.O. developed the project“L’officina della polvere”; during the project the group take part to Containerart with an installation (Ampia camera con vista sul mare) and a performance(Memoria dell’acciaieria); the project end with the performance “L’officina della polvere”of which T.U.O.N.O. projected and realized the scenography, and wrote the text. For the direction work with the group Susanna Gozzetti. In August 2007 left the group.
In 2005 winner of national competition of Chalcography of Gorlago (Bergamo), with the work “Machbeth I”.
Set designer work:
-June-December 2007 scenes and dresses project and realization for “Peer Gynt”, for Scuola Musicale Teresiana in Arenzano. Realized with Rosanna Vio and Giulia Vannucci. Art director Marcello Giusto. The spectacle was played in December at Teatro della Tosse, Genova.
-August 2007 realization of the model for the scenography and assistant set designer and dresses for “L’agente segreto”, with Valeria Manari set designer. Teatro Stabile di Genova.
-June 2006 to May 2007, project and realization of scenography, dresses and lights of “L’Officina della polvere”. Realization with T.U.O.N.O. art director T.U.O.N.O., director Susanna Gozzetti. Loggia di Banchi, Genova.
Born in Genova, Italy on April 23, 1984.
2003: General Certificate of Education at Italian secondary school specialising in art Paul Klee.
2009:Visual Art and Performance degree, specialising in Set Designer, at Academy of Fine Art, Genova, Italy.
Triennial thesis: thesis of set designer/theatre. Supervisor: Professor Davide Zanoletti, with the collaboration of Annina Jacopino and Renato Bianchi.
Biennial thesis: thesis in performance. Supervisor: Professor Davide Zanoletti.
Artistic formative Worshop:
-From May 4 to 8 2011, workshop with the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, directed by Thomas Richards and Mario Biagini. Akropolis Theatre, Genova.
-From May 10 to 13 2010, workshop with the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, directed by Thomas Richards. Era Theatre and Le Vallicelle, Pontedera (PI).
-March 2009, workshop on vocal improvisation, singing, physical actions, directed by Anna Maria Civico, Terni.
-July 2008, workshop on physical actions and singing, directed by Gey Pin Ang, Terni.
-July 2007, workshop on singing and physical actions, directed by Anna Maria Civico. Scoppio, Acquasparta.
-July 2006, workshop “Building the scene”, directed by Anna Maria Civico and Maurizio Civico. Scoppio, Acquasparta.
-November 2004, workshop on singing and action, nature theatre, directed by Anna Maria Civico. La Romita, Sangemini.
Artistic work:
In the 2006/2007 take part to the project “Pratiche teatrali per un’indagine sull’identità femminile” in Terni. Propose and direct a photograph workshop; work with Anna Maria Civico and Maurizio Civico for the creation of scene and performance of “Spazio rivelato”.
In June 2006 created in Genova, with other seven set designers, T.U.O.N.O. Association, based on theatrical reserch, relation body-space. From June 2006 to May 2007 T.U.O.N.O. developed the project“L’officina della polvere”; during the project the group take part to Containerart with an installation (Ampia camera con vista sul mare) and a performance(Memoria dell’acciaieria); the project end with the performance “L’officina della polvere”of which T.U.O.N.O. projected and realized the scenography, and wrote the text. For the direction work with the group Susanna Gozzetti. In August 2007 left the group.
Set designer work:
-June-December 2007 scenes and dresses project and realization for “Peer Gynt”, for Scuola Musicale Teresiana in Arenzano. Realized with Alessia Certo and Rosanna Vio. Art director Marcello Giusto. The spectacle was played in December at Teatro della Tosse, Genova.
-April 2007 project and realization of scenography and dresses for “Spazio rivelato”, performance at Theatre C Videocentro, Terni. Art director Anna Maria Civico, with the collaboration of Maurizio Civico.
-June 2006 to May 2007, project and realization of scenography, dresses and lights of “L’Officina della polvere”. Realization with T.U.O.N.O. art director T.U.O.N.O., director Susanna Gozzetti. Loggia di Banchi, Genova.