Premio Combat Prize

Gudrun Heamägi - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Grafica

 | How long does it take for our Sun to rotate in order to change shadows on this Object

How long does it take for our Sun to rotate in order to change shadows on this Object
lithography, paper
50x70 cm

Gudrun Heamägi

nato/a a Tallinn
residenza di lavoro/studio: Tallinn, ESTONIA

iscritto/a dal 11 mag 2016

Under 35

visualizzazioni: 1870


Altre opere

 | That obscure abandoned Monolith in the park behind the bushes

That obscure abandoned Monolith in the park behind the bushes
lithography, paper
40x40 cm

 | Do birds understand the motion of Objects in the Sky when they inhabit Sculptures in the Garden

Do birds understand the motion of Objects in the Sky when they inhabit Sculptures in the Garden
lithography, paper
50x40 cm

 | The shadow always points away from the Sun - At sunrise, with the Sun in the east, it points to the west

The shadow always points away from the Sun - At sunrise, with the Sun in the east, it points to the west
lithography, paper
50x70 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Artwork description
The old Soviet-era 3D postcards which I scanned in and did the color subtraction, did not work for from the outset–on every postcard the colors green and red are shifted at the wrong angle. These photographs have preserved only cognition of beautiful fountains. They live together with sculptures in the park. Some of the statues provide shelter for birds that dash into greenery. We can see that obscure abandoned Monolith in the park behind the bushes.
Time changes, rearrangements take place, arbitrary manipulations. My interpretation is time framed into quadrilateral, the four points are pro-, antiques, Stalinism time and the moment in which we live today. These compositions of Soviet-era postcards play Park.
And all we ask is: Do birds understand the motion of Objects in the Sky when they inhabit Sculptures in the Garden.
Gudrun Heamägi
Born in 1989
lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia
2011–2013 Estonian Academy of Arts MA in Graphic art
2008–2011 Estonian Academy of Arts BA in Graphic art
2010 Aalto University School of Art and Design (Graphic design) Helsinki
2013 Estonian Artists’ Association
2012 Association of Estonian Printmakers
2013 Frans Masereel Centrum (Belgium) Password Printmaking Program
2015 Honorable Mention in Tallinn 5th Drawing Triennial
2013 Honorable Mention Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivières
2011 Edmund Valtman Scholarship
Upcoming solo exhibition
2016 All that is now land was once the sky. Draakoni Gallery (Tallinn, Estonia)

Solo exhibition
2016 Albatross. Galleria Contempo (Helsinki, Finland) With Harri Leppänen, Veera Nykanen, Lauri Koppel.
2014 Gudrun Heamägi. Kunstiaken. Art Window (Tallinn, Estonia)
2013 All the Pretty Little Horses (Kasterlee, Belgium)
2013 First Sun Syndrome. Draakoni Gallery (Tallinn, Estonia) Together with Lauri Koppel. Read more: Sirp
2012 Kolmas Lõige. VonKrahl Gallery (Tallinn). Read more: Müürileht
2012 Hocus Focus. Estonian Academy of Arts Pseudo Gallery (Tallinn)
International Group Exhibition
2015 DI CARTA / PAPERMADE - Etica / Estetica. Palazzo Fogazzaro (Schio, Italy). Catalogue
2015 ALBATROSS. Galleria Vitriini, Porvoon Taidetehdas (Porvoo, Finland) With Harri Leppänen, Veera Nykanen, Lauri Koppel, Kristian Krokfors.
2015 International Lithographic Symposium (Tidaholm, Sweden)
2015 The Association of Estonian Printmakers exhibition in Finland (Finland, different locations)
​2015 Splitgraphic (Split, Croatia). Catalogue
2015 Kaliningrad Printmaking Biennial (Kaliningrad, Russia). Catalogue
2015 Tallinn 5th Drawing Triennial (Kunstihoone, Tallinn)
2015 The Association of Estonian Printmakers exhibition in Yerevan (Yerevan, Armenia). Catalogue
2015 International Printmaking Biennial (Šiauliai, Lithuania)
2015 Kaunas International Printmaking Biennial (Kaunas, Lithuania). Catalogue
2015 Colloque Melancholia. Le Centre d’artistes Vaste et Vague (Carleton-sur-Mer, Canada). Catalogue
2014 8e BIECTR - Sélection. Maison des arts Desjardins Drummondville. (Québec, Canada)
2013 The 28th Chelsea International Fine Art Competition. Agora Gallery (New York, USA). Catalogue
2013 Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada). Catalogue
2013 Where is Printmaking? In Search of New Meanings. Opole Contemporary Art Gallery (Opole, Poland). Catalogue
2013 International Print Triennial Falun 2013 (Falun, Sweden)
2012 International Print Triennial - Krakow. Main exhibition (Krakow, Poland). Catalogue
2012 International Triennial of Contemporary Graphic Arts in Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk, Russia). Catalogue
2012 Sounds like Revolution. IV Tallinn Drawing Triennial. Dialogue. VonKrahl Gallery (Tallinn)
Recent Group Exhibition
2015 The Estonian Artists’ Association’s Spring Exhibition (Linnagalerii, Tallinn)
2015 Wiiralt prize exhibition. National Library (Tallinn)
2014 Kunstnikult Raamatukogule. National Library (Tallinn)
2013 Kokkumäng. Evald Okase Muuseum (Haapsalu)
2013 Live Print! Graafika In Festival. Endla teater (Pärnu)
2013 Tase13’. Rotermanni Soolaladu. (Tallinn, Estonia)
2012 15. PÄRNU IN GRAAFIKA FESTIVAL - Best Prints Ever - Live Brain Branding! (Pärnu, Estonia)
2012 Kuldaeg. Jõhvi Art School (Jõhvi, Estonia)
2011 XX CENTURY CALSSICS. Solaris center (Tallinn)
2011 TASE 208. Exhibition of artist books held in Rüütelkonna Buiding (Tallinn)
2011 Kuldaeg. Exhibition held in the Parliament of Estonia (Tallinn)
2011 Futurism. International IN Graafika festival (Pärnu, Estonia)
2016 Fatti di carta. This Is Not Art. Teresa Francesca Giffone. 11.03.2016
2015 ... ja alguses oli joon. Must ja valge. Maaleht. Riin Kübarsepp. 29.08.2015
2015 Mängulisuse tähe all. Eesti graafika elab edasi. Sirp. Mai Levin 27.03.2015
2014 Pealelend: Lauri Koppel and Gudrun Heamägi. Sirp. Reet Varblane 30.04.2014
​2013 TROIS RIVIÈRES SURVEY. Printeresting. 05.07.2013
2013 Jalutuskäik galeriides: Liitmine üheks. Sirp. Andri Ksenofontov 01.03.2013
2012 Kompromissitriennaal. Sirp. Vappu Thurlow. 06.09.2012
2012 Gudrun Heamägi ja „Hookus Fookus”. Müürileht 20 : Kevad 2012. Triin Tulgiste 11.04.2012
2011 Mapigraafikast. Sirp. Andri Ksenofontov 20.05.2011
Works in collections
Frans Masereel Centrum
Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada)
International Print Triennial Krakow. Krakow (Poland)
Agora Gallery. New York (USA)