Premio Combat Prize

Hanna Fluk - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Does the blood of the future run through our veins?

Does the blood of the future run through our veins?
oil, canvas

Hanna Fluk

nato/a a Argentina
residenza di lavoro/studio: Jerusalem, ISRAEL

iscritto/a dal 08 apr 2016

visualizzazioni: 746


Altre opere

 | Ascension II

Ascension II
oil, canvas

 | Does God play dices...

Does God play dices...
acrylic, canvas

 | Dialogue

acrilic, oil, decopage,, canvas

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

I live and work in Jerusalem.
This city is a deep microcosmos in a globalized world which nowadays tries to erase our individuality by selling the same food, the same furniture and the same images.
Jerusalem is for me a collection of samples of the human threads, representing different philosophical, religious and political currents which are woven together sometimes without even touching each other, sometimes colliding, with varying degrees of peace or violence, showing the worst and the best of the human being.