Premio Combat Prize

Hayk Grigoryan - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Grafica

 | Loneliness

etching, magnani pescia paper

Hayk Grigoryan

nato/a a Yerevan, Armenia
residenza di lavoro/studio: Granada, SPAIN

iscritto/a dal 09 mag 2016

visualizzazioni: 1066


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

1991 - 1997 Yerevan Art Institute, Department of Graphics,
Diploma in Graphic Arts
2006 Gallery of Contemporary Art / Chamalieres, France
2007 International Engraving Salon, MAISON du BAILLI / Morhange en Lorraine, France
2007 National Museum of the Castle Sant’Angelo / Rome, Italy
2008 Scriptorial d’Avranches
Musee des manuscripts du Mont-Saint-Michel / Avranches, France
2008 “W RATUSZU” Galeria Urzedu Miejskiego / Slawno, Poland
2009 Museo Ex Libris Mediterraneo – Ortona / Ortona, Italy
2009 Centro Cultural Nuevo Inicio (Arzobispado de Granada) / Granada, Spain
2010 Sala Matias Moreno - Escuela de Arte de Toledo / Toledo, Spain
2010 Ujbuda Galeria / Budapest, Hungary
2011 Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum / Frederikshavn, Denmark
2015 Galleria Il Bisonte / Florence, Italy

2007 “ESTAMP”
Armenian & Belarussian artistsʼ print exhibition.
National Gallery of Armenia / Yerevan, Armenia
2011 “The Star of Bethlehem”
Exhibition on medieval and contemporary Armenian miniature.
Cultural Center Nuevo Inicio exhibition hall / Granada, Spain
2012 “The thousand forms of the Cross. Crosses from Middle East”
San Jerónimo el Real / Madrid, Spain
Alcalá de Henares Cathedral / Alcalá de Henares, Spain
Collegiate church of Santa María / Talavera de la Reina, Spain
2013-14 I International Exhibition of Printmaking “In Search of the Lost Paradise”
Cultural Center Nuevo Inicio exhibition hall / Granada, Spain
Monastery San Bernardo / Alcalá de Henares, Spain
9e Triennale Mondiale de l’Estampe / Chamalière, France
2015 “The Armenian Cultural Genocide. Before and After”
Photography Exhibition dedicated to the 100 anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
Cultural Center Nuevo Inicio exhibition hall / Granada, Spain
Exhibition hall of the Archbishopric of Toledo / Toledo, Spain
Cultural Center Rafael Morales exhibition hall / Talavera de la Reina, Spain
“The Stolen Childhood”
Contemporary Armenian artistsʼ exhibition dedicated to the 100 anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
Cultural Center Nuevo Inicio exhibition hall / Granada, Spain

2015-16 II International Exhibition of Printmaking “In Search of the Lost Paradise”
Cultural Center Nuevo Inicio exhibition hall / Granada, Spain
Since year 2000 to present day has participated in more than 100 international Graphic Art exhibitions, biennials, triennials in France, Italy, China, Canada, Croatia, Finland, Japan, Poland, Lithuania and many others.
Since 2000 to present has been awarded with 40 international prizes, including:
2006 Chalcographic Ex Libris Jury’s Special Prize –
International Ex Libris Competition “Movable Type and Typography” / Cornuda, Italy
Golden Prize - Shanghai Lu Xun Museum / Shanghai, China
2007 Medal - XVth Internatioanl Exlibris Biennial 2007 / Vilnius, Lithuania
2008 Golden Medal and Diploma - Remo Palmirani’s Prize 2008 / Ortona, Italy
2009 Distinction and Medal - 13th International Biennale Exhibition of Small Forms and
Ex Libris / Ostow Wielkopolski, Poland
2009 Special Prize - International Ex Libris Competition, ”Arti Grafiche Colombo”
/ Gessate, Italy
2010 Award ¨Mastery¨ - VI International Ural Print Triennial – 2010 / Ufa, Russia
2011 Silver Prize - Exlibris Competition by the Nippon Exlibris Association/ Tokyo, Japan
2nd Prize – Concours International D´Exlibris Jan Brito / Pipriac, France
2014 Award – International Competition of Exlibris of the XXXV F.I.S.A.E. Congress / Tarragona, Spain
Prize of AFCEL – 9e Triennale Mondiale D´Estampes Petit Format /
Chamalieres, France
2015 2nd Prize – Brest Print Triennial, ”War and Peace” 3th International Exhibition of Small Graphic Forms and Ex Libris / Brest, Belarus
Art works have been acquired into different collections both by museums and private collectors from Armenia, Italy, France, Germany, USA, China, Poland, Russia, including:
• National Gallery of Armenia / Yerevan, Armenia
• Bibliotheques-Mediatheques / Metz, France
• Malbork Castle Museum / Malbork, Poland
• A.M.A.C. – Association Mouvement Art Contemporain / Chamalieres, France
• A.F.C.E.L. – Association Francaise pour la Connaissance de l’Ex-Libris / Nancy, France
• Tipoteca Italiana foundation & the “Museo del Carattere e della Tipografia” / Cornuda, Italy
• Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe of the Santa Croce sull’ Arno Commune / Santa Croce, Italy
• The Museum of Ostrow Wielkopolski / Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland
• Prints & Drawings Cabinet Cremona Civic Museum / Cremona, Italy
• International Exlibris Center / Sint Niklaas, Belgium
• Municipal Public Library in Gliwice / Gliwice, Poland
• Fu Xian Zhai Exlibris Society / Shanghai, China