Premio Combat Prize

Kamila Wojciechowicz - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Grafica

 | Paradise Setting I

Paradise Setting I
mixed media printed as a giclee print, hahnemuhle german etching paper
84,1x59,4 cm

Kamila Wojciechowicz

nato/a a Fitzroy Australia
residenza di lavoro/studio: Warsaw, POLAND

iscritto/a dal 16 apr 2016

Under 35

visualizzazioni: 1042


Altre opere

 | Paradise Setting II

Paradise Setting II
mixed media printed as a giclee print, hahnemuhle german etching paper
84,1x59,4 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Born in Fitzroy, Australia. Currently lives and creates art in Warsaw. She studied Printmaking and
Drawing at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. She also studied Illustration at the Visual Arts department
at Camberwell College of Arts in London, and at Fabbrica delle Favole under the guidance
of Chiara Carrer. She is inspired by the fantasmagorical world, magical realism and the works of old masters, such as
Hieronymus Bosch, Albrecht Durer, Leonardo da Vinci. She is also enthralled by Victorian etchings.
The artist mainly focuses on collages and ink drawings. She also uses computer graphics in her
creative process. Her artworks are either monochromatic and detailed drawings, or created in a
wide range of vivid colours. Sometimes she combines both techniques and creates stunning, spatial
collages. Characters from the works of Bosch and other symbolists are infiltrated into her world, to
play a new role. Her works are full of narration, transferred into a graphic and colourful form, which
adds to their attractiveness.