Premio Combat Prize

Klaus Bittner - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia

 | European Wilderness-01

European Wilderness-01
photography, lamda-print on dibond
70 x 50 cm

Klaus Bittner

nato/a a Deschnei / Czech Republic
residenza di lavoro/studio: Frankfurt A.M., GERMANY

iscritto/a dal 03 gen 2016

visualizzazioni: 1711


Altre opere

 | European Wilderness-02

European Wilderness-02
photography, lamda-print on dibond
70 x 50 cm

 | European Wilderness-03

European Wilderness-03
photography, lamda-print on dibond
70 x 50 cm

 | European Wilderness-04

European Wilderness-04
photography, lamda-print on dibond
70 x 50 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Klaus Bittner, Photography: from the series „European Wilderness“
Europe is extremely densely populated and we are thinking there is no more wilderness on this continent, far from it , one can still find it. Looking for wilderness I went by bicycle in the region around Frankfurt/Germany, where I am living since years. It took some time to make a find not far from the city of Frankfurt.
Photography - Digital Art - Painting - Drawing - Objects - Installation - Land Art
since 1971: 45 solo exhibitions in Germany, Italy, USA, Spain, France; 96 participations in exhibitions and art projects in Germany and foreign countries
since 1969: Painting and Drawing
1979: Organizer of the ”Grafic Meeting” Frankfurt - Taschkent / Usbekistan
since 1980: Co-organizer of 8 public art projects
1982-1986: Teacher for painting and drawing at the ”Free Evening Scool Frankfurt”
since 1987: Artist-studio in Frankfurt-Bornheim
since 1988: Chemical pictures, objects and room-installations
since 1988: Member of the art associations: BBK, Artothek Frankfurt, U4 frAnkfuRT
since 1989: Thematic exhibitions, conception: the ”Variable Reaction”
since 1989: Thematic exhibitions (installations, paintings, objects, mixed media, performance)
since 1993: Land Art, Copy-Art, Performance
1994-2012: Artist-studio in Bages, South-France
since 2000: Art projects in public space
since 2007: Photography / Digital Art
since 2009: Longtime art project “Climate Change”
Exhibitions and art projects since 2009 (selection):
2009: Bages / France, project “AGAVE”, 3 installations and photography/digital art
2009: Wiesbaden / Germany, Art Association Bellevue-Saal, paintings, installation, digital art
2010: Bages / France, “The Return 3”, Land Art - Installation
2010: Frankfurt / Germany, art mile “Berger 2900”, exhibition at U4 frAnfuRT
2010: Duisburg / Germany, Biennale Ruhr 2010, Arts Centre Liebfrauenkirche, “climate change”
2010: Frankfurt / Germany, Open Doors, solo exhibition, Studio Bittner
2010: Bages / France, the collection of “Maison des Arts”
2010: Riegel / Germany, Messmer-Foundation, André Evard - avard exhibition
2011: Karlsruhe / Germany, Höpfner-Foundation, exhibition photo avard
2011: Frankfurt / Germany, Show-Room Eulengasse, Photography-Digital Art (Volume 1)
2011: Frankfurt / Germany, Show-Room Eulengasse, Photography-Digital Art (Volume 2)
2012: Frankfurt / Germany, Show-Room Eulengasse, Photography-Digital Art (Volume 3)
2012: Stuttgart / Germany, art association, exhibition ”my studio”
2012: Frankfurt / Germany, Luminale 2012, light- installation “1 Candela” Show-Room Eulengasse
2012: Güstrow / Germany, town gallery, art avard “ecology”, photography/digital art
2012: Wesseling / Cologne / Germany, art avard “point with no return”, photography/digital art
2012: Dragons Museum of Germany Lindenfels, international Mail Art - exhibition
2013: three online-exhibitions at
2013: Frankfurt / Germany, Show-Room Eulengasse, exhibition “Polversum”
2013: Offenbach / Germany, Gallery Salon 13, BOK, exhibition “Total Crash”
2014: Artoffer und Cornèrcard, Art&Musics, online-exhibition, photography-digital art
2014: Florence / Italy, Gallery Multiverso, exhibition “Contemporary Visions”
2014: Los Angeles Center for Digital Art 2014 “LACDA 2014”, photography-digital art
2014: 1-Smartkunst, online exhibition on, photography-digital art
2015: Unkunst, online exhibition on, photography-digital art
2015: Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, international exhibition „Electron Salon Series“,photography-digital art
2015: Contemporary photography-art, online-exhibition on, photography-digital art
2015: Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, LACDA 2015, adjudicated exhibition, photography-digital art
2015: 3-Smartkunst, online exhibition on, photography-digital art
2015: Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, exhibition “Represented Artists 2015”, photography-digital art
2015: Show-Room Eulengasse, Frankfurt, exhibition “CAPRI-INSEL”
2015: 4-Smartkunst, online exhibition on, photography-digital art
2015: LYNX international art prize 2015, LUX ART Gallery, Trieste, Italien, photography-digital art
2015: LYNX-art prize, LOKAR JEVA Gallery, Ajdovscina, Slowenia, photography-digital art
2016: LYNX-art prize, FORTEZZA NUOVA, Livorno, Italy, photography-digital art
2016: Frankfurt / Germany, Show Room EULENGASSE