Premio Combat Prize

Lucas Van Eeghen - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Field of Hope

Field of Hope
mixed media (3d), canvas board and other materials
61x122x60 cm

Lucas Van Eeghen

nato/a a Dar Es Salaam
residenza di lavoro/studio: Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS

iscritto/a dal 19 mar 2016

Under 35

visualizzazioni: 1418


Altre opere

 | Enigma

mixed media (3d), mixed
100x140x60 cm

 | The jungle of pain and joy

The jungle of pain and joy
mixed media, canvas board and other materials
120x60x60 cm

 | Vers a vie nouvelle

Vers a vie nouvelle
mixede media, mixed
100x60x25 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Prof. Daniele Radini Tedeschi, the curator of the Triennale di arte visive a Roma, declared the Dutch artist, and Leonardo award winner, Lucas van Eeghen, to be one of the heralds of the new movement of this millenium, Tiltestetica (also known as Estetica Paradisiaca, Editoria Giorgio Mandadori 2014, ISBN 978-88-6052-549-9)): ’As an artist-seer of today Lucas van Eeeghen sets course to evoke a vocabulary of archetypes and iconographic models. (..) He builds the surface of the canvas literally of leaves, foliage and stems in order to frame his new works. He is the great protagonist of the nature infiltrating the visual arts. The ruins of postmodernism are put into a new key. That works cathartic. His approach is synthetic and simultaneously baroque. But although Van Eeghen is on the one hand moving in the direction of Futurism, he owns on the other hand, an extreme individuality that connects him in the art of painting - the old craftsmanship - with Ferdinand Khnopff and even Vermeer.’ Read more: Video: