Premio Combat Prize

Lukas Walcher - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Wunderschöne Toleranzen (beautiful tolerances)

Wunderschöne Toleranzen (beautiful tolerances)
acrylic, canvas
100*100 cm

Lukas Walcher

nato/a a Wien
residenza di lavoro/studio: Berlin, GERMANY

iscritto/a dal 23 gen 2016

visualizzazioni: 1388


Altre opere

 | Exil zur täuschungsvollen Schönheit ( Exile of precious deception)

Exil zur täuschungsvollen Schönheit ( Exile of precious deception)
acrylic, collage, canvas
100*100 cm

 | Im Wandel der Welten ( In changing of worlds)

Im Wandel der Welten ( In changing of worlds)
acrylic, canvas
140*100 cm

 | Die Schlangen verführenden Frauen (The snakes woman of seduction)

Die Schlangen verführenden Frauen (The snakes woman of seduction)
acrylic, canvas
140*100 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

My artworks have a realation of the femenine illumination, that they set together with the abract illusion, that you can feel, that you are the picture, and not staying before just only for seeing. In last time i connected my femenine pictures with collages different collages prefer from Berlin cause i studied. See it and feel in the picture.