Premio Combat Prize

Marina Camargo - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia

 | Oblivion

acrilic on photograph, antique photographs and postcards

Marina Camargo

nato/a a BRAZIL
residenza di lavoro/studio: Berlin, GERMANY

iscritto/a dal 01 apr 2016

visualizzazioni: 1323


Altre opere

 | Distant Reflection (Reflesso Lontano)

Distant Reflection (Reflesso Lontano)
photograph and iron plates, photograph and iron plates

 | Alpenprojekt II

Alpenprojekt II
photograph and video, photograph and video

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

(Born in Maceió – Brazil, 1980)
A collection of old photographs and postcards depicting the Alpine region are the basis of this work.
These postcards and photographs are painted with black ink, showing only the sky and silhouettes of mountains. What drove the conception of this work were the boxes of photographs and postcards found in antique shops. These pictures were cataloged from the types of images, eg. landscape, mountain, families, houses, etc. as a library of abandoned memories.
Together, the approximately 300 photographs and postcards somehow form another landscape – as if this group of images could form a representation of the landscape within the landscape.
The act of covering these sent postcards and old photos is a kind of reaction to the History related to these mountains, and a way to communicate with the social and moral obligations connected memory and oblivion in Germany.
“Marina Camargo’s work is anchored around an ongoing investigation about the representation of various things and phenomena in the world; exposing the tensions that exist between the world we inhabit and the world that is represented to us via images and other types of material culture. Often developing projects through long-term extensive research processes, Camargo most recently has been exploring the representation of various landscapes—as images, as memories, as travel narratives, and as cartographies. Her interests highlight the impossibility of representing complete realities and locales and through her work she draws attention to the elements that are lost, silenced, and forgotten in the space between reality and representation.“ Cesar Garcia (curator and director of The Mistake Room, Los Angeles).
Camargo’s education took place in Porto Alegre (where she studied for a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Visual Arts), completing her arts education in Barcelona (Universitat de Barcelona) and Munich (ADBK München).
Marina Camargo was awarded with different grants and scholarships, as DAAD Scholarship for artists, Bolsa Iberê Camargo, Bolsa de Estímulo à Produção em Artes Visuais (FUNARTE), Prêmio Açorianos de Artista Destaque do Ano (Porto Alegre), Prêmio FUNARTE de Arte Contemporânea, Prêmio Brasil Arte Contemporânea (Fundação Bienal de Arte de São Paulo.
Among the exhibitions she recently took part are “Arte e Ciência: Nós entre os extremos” (Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, 2015-16), “Videos e Filmes de Artistas da Coleção Itaú Cultural” (Fund. Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre, 2015-16), “Cidade Gráfica” (Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, 2014).
Lives and works in Porto Alegre (Brazil) and Berlin (Germany).