Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Wind Goddness
Goddness of the wind, is a mix of colors with soul and speaks on women and their full freedom expression and creation when it bursts from its original center of love for their intuitive forces making a reconnection with the absolute power of nature and its infinite manifestations of expansion.
She is accompanied by the great guide Totem Bird and animal power.
The empowered woman is a channel of love and healing for herself and for the world. Its beauty lies in its generous soul and caretaker, in their dedication to nurturing the immensity of the universe and put it at the service of Mother Nature, for it has to feel free to do all creative movement that leads back to your inner source Love
Wind Goddess respresented free expression to bring Earth to Heaven natural wisdom that resides within women to live their transit in life using her many talents and abilities to co-create.
Technically the work is born by placing various circles and lines that originate from the circles to different horizons canvas.
Veronica Cantero was born in Cadiz in 1978 place called ”Land of Lights” where her career as an artist began writing plays and free verseS poetry from an early age. She hid her artistic expression until the age of 20 who decided to travel to England, a land which inspired her to BRING TOGETHER the amount of written texts and that, of course, would be stored on her big drawer ”procrastinate”, after a year in UK directed her course to Barcelona where she studied drama for three years in private school Magatzem d’Artistes was there WHERE she began ”mixing colors” and deeper into painting using it as a channel for meditation, spiritual and personal growth.
Veronica surrendered without trials this love for colors and multiple abstract form that arose in each work she painted.
The LOVE which the Artist Cantero feels for this surge of emotions on the canvas was hidd for many years until she broke down and one day accepted in full what she loved most in her life, those endless hours in front of the paintings Among paint cans, precious magical colors and barytes, as she calls her brushes.
When she finished her three years in Barcelona she moved to Granada where she continued studying drama to specialize as artistic and creative director in theater, these years in the school of artistic and technical ”Scenic” development caused that her painting was taking her personal touch, their abstract expressions gained in brilliance and subtlety in the eye of who observes, may discover there are thousands of ways including some history between characters from invisible worlds in other dimensions that seem to lend themselves to be reflected in her painting. Again you could see the innocence of the ways between colors and freedom of it, it was in this transition where Veronica became interested in ”The Mechanism of the Human” shaping the symbolic unconscious on the canvas and allowing experience in ”painting without judgment” a great step that made defined more as co-creator.
After several years as a playwright and directing plays, both in his own company and others, ended this period of Her life and retired for a while returning back to Puerto Real, Cadiz with the intention of unifying all learned during more than ten years and it was.
In January 2014 he returned to Barcelona to study Bioneuroemoción, course prompted to define exactly the point in her life where she was, and became aware that she was in the perfect spot to build her life from things she liked it To what she loved and she was always doing ... ”paint, paint, paint and feeling”
After this revelation she returned to Cadiz to later return to the place where the journey started, UK.
Currently the artist Veronica Cantero has her residence in London, where she is deepening Her own technique ”conscious paint outside the art, this is the technique” natural mechanics of the heart.
One of the things, than Veronica thinks is the nicest in her journey as an artist, are multiple senses and meanings that each person gives her paintings when are seen and a great thing to appreciate, love and thank, is when they say that HER art is innocent, she loves to capture her innocence at 37 years old, ”that is priceless” - she says.