Descrizione Opera / Biografia
My choice of a triptych was mostly aesthetic, as I conceived the painting to be included in an interior design. Because of the way it is designed, the triptych invites its viewer to read it, to interpret it, and thus to reflect. The three-part approach, beyond that of a single representation, opens the door to narration, and color, beyond just creating a certain atmosphere, reveals in which direction the painting should be read.
These three components can exist either side by side or apart from one another, without losing any of their story, but instead offering another dimension to the overall work.
Man is omnipresent throughout my work as an artist. It remains, for me, a constant topic for discussion, as I colorfully depict my questioning about the future and past of mankind.
In this triptych, I tackled the concept of fusional love, the exclusive relationship where the rest of the world does no longer exist, where two becomes one; union, commitment… The depiction of the bodies like tree bark symbolizes strength, power, sturdiness, where sap is source of life.
The ray represents the couple merging, but also the divine light, in other words the couple’s commitment and gods’ protection. In the central canvas, the radiation allows the viewer to subtly make out the characters’ faces, and so without any voyeurism.
On the left hand side, a window can be seen in the background, symbolizing an opening, a portal between the outer and the inner worlds.
The hint of an ark symbolizes the protection of this couple’s love, but also a place of worship, and therefore commitment. It represents security like a sphere of pure air, without any shadow darkening the future.
This representation of the relationship between two people sends its viewer back to a painting created in 2009, which tackled the theme of passion (The Kiss, Oil on canvas, 29”x36”)
The artist Nadia Vuillaume, whose work has been classified as vivid figurative or neo-figurative representation, was awarded the 2014 Raffaello Sanzio award by the association Italia in Arte, and is currently one of the nominees for an Art-Science-Letters award (to be awarded in June 2016, in Paris).
2015 Exhibits and fairs: Saint Petersburg in Russia, the Innsbruck Convention Center in Austria, the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, the Galerie Thuillier in Paris, and an art auction at the Drouot auction house in Paris.
In addition to her personal work as an artist, Nadia Vuillaume is also a sponsor for young artists, to whom she offers daily guidance and support. She also works sometimes as an artistic coach on various projects.