Premio Combat Prize

Nebojsa Dimovski - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Waiting

o, t
130x90 cm

Nebojsa Dimovski

nato/a a Mostar
residenza di lavoro/studio: Madrid, SPAIN

iscritto/a dal 14 apr 2016

Under 35

visualizzazioni: 928


Altre opere

 | Waiting n.2

Waiting n.2
olio, tela
80x65 cm

 | Waiting n.3

Waiting n.3
olio, tela
73x53 cm

 | Luciano

olio, tela
115x100 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Waiting, a series of paintings inspired by people - trying to capture the spirit, mainly of the immigrants who found themselves in the situation of not having control over their lives, but waiting for a decision of politicians on what will happen with them.