Premio Combat Prize

Rosalind Lemoh - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Scultura/Installazione

 | Shared History, 2016

Shared History, 2016
assemblage, tin, brass, led
40cm x 52cm x 41cm

Rosalind Lemoh

nato/a a Bo, Sierra Leone
residenza di lavoro/studio: Canberra, AUSTRALIA

iscritto/a dal 15 apr 2016

Under 35

visualizzazioni: 737


Altre opere

 | Finite, 2014

Finite, 2014
assemblage, steel, acrylic, led
18cm x 84cm x 9cm

 | The Smallest Dream, 2016

The Smallest Dream, 2016
assemblage, wood, brass, led
44cm x 30cm x 15cm

 | Shared History, 2016

Shared History, 2016
assemblage, wood, steel, led
40cm x 52cm x 41cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Shared History, shows a tool box lit with brass sheet and illuminated text. The work explores the histories that connect us in a time of political and economic change.