Premio Combat Prize

Sabrina Vivian Bello - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Grafica

 | memory-box >jules verne

memory-box >jules verne
drawing, pencil, paper, sculpture, canvas

Sabrina Vivian Bello

nato/a a Zwickau Germany
residenza di lavoro/studio: Zwickau, GERMANY

iscritto/a dal 09 mag 2016

Under 35

visualizzazioni: 2314


Altre opere

 | memory-box >jules verne detail 1

memory-box >jules verne detail 1
drawing, pencil, paper, sculpture, canvas

 | memory-box >jules verne detail 2

memory-box >jules verne detail 2
drawing, pencil, paper, sculpture, canvas

 | memory-box >jules verne detail 3

memory-box >jules verne detail 3
drawing, pencil, paper, sculpture, canvas

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Sabrina Vivian Bello (Groh)
born ///
in Zwickau/ Germany
school ///
2000 secondary / junior high school
2005 vocational baccalaureate diploma (art) 2007 design
assistant (graphic)
2015 studies of graphic fine arts at Burg Giebichenstein
University for Art and Design, Halle/Saale; master class
of Prof. Thomas Rug
exhibition ///
2015 Modern Art Austria Biennale (MAMAG Modern Art Museum)[g]
2015 Tokyo International Art Fair (Tokyo)[g]
2013 Zeichnung & Radierung |drawing & etching (Kuststiftung
2012 Babylon, (Salus gGmbH, Magdeburg)[g]
2011 falling in love*,(Berlin)[g]
2010 t.b.a. – to be (Warschau)[g]
2010 ein Weltbild zum Mitnehmen, (Salus gGmbH,
[ sc = self-curated | g = group exhibiton ]
awards ///
2000 recognition award Jugend Kunst Biennale (Sächsisch-
Bayrisches Städtenetz)
2015 The MAMAG Modern Art Prize / for philosophical elaboration (MAMAG Modern Art Museum -
Blindenmarkt | Austria)
works in public collections ///
2013 Klingspor Museum in Offenbach am Main (Frankfurt)
originalgraphic books: ”Das Ufer”, ”Winterabend”,
published illustration ///
2010 ”Tinka Meisterträumerin” von Peter Dreißig
2009 ”In der Liebe verwurzelt, Ephesserbriefe”(evangelic
regional church Baden, Germany)
Sabrina Vivian Bello (Groh) was born on 09/03/1984 and grown up in Zwickau, Germany.
Since she was a child she was into arts. Her decision to becoming an artist started when she was a teenager. 2001 till 2007 Sabrina was going to a special school for fine art and design and adducted as an graphic design assistant. In the year 2008 she started to studies graphic fine arts at Burg Giebichenstein University for Art and Design, Halle/ Saale; master class of Prof. Thomas Rug and finished her studies 2015.
Sabrina ́s first award was the recognition award Jugend Kunst Biennale (Sächsisch- Bayrisches Städtenetz) at 2000.
2013 the Klingspor Museum in Offenbach am Main who is collecting original Art-book brought three of her Art-books. (”Das Ufer”, ”Winterabend”, ”DRINNEN & DRAUßEN” )
2015 she won The MAMAG Modern Art Prize / for philosophical elaboration (MAMAG Modern Art Museum - Blindenmarkt | Austria), in the same year she got nominated for the Bloom Award by Warsteiner. In the last few years she was part of different exhibition like; t.b.a. – to be (Warschau), falling in love*, (Berlin) or Tokyo International Art Fair (Tokyo).
In a virtuoso manner she handles various
graphic techniques, such as hand drawing or different graphic printing methods. After experimenting in several stages, her graphics started to evolve into spatial contexts, growing from flat paper into shaped objects of different sizes.