Premio Combat Prize

Satu Nikku - Premio Combat Prize


 | Nostalgia of the place

Nostalgia of the place

Satu Nikku

nato/a a
residenza di lavoro/studio: Tampere, FINLAND

iscritto/a dal 20 apr 2016

visualizzazioni: 1144


Altre opere

 | Peace and Quiet

Peace and Quiet

 | Reflections of Power

Reflections of Power

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Nostalgia of the place:
The word nostalgia is derived from the Greek words nostos (returning home) and algos (pain, agony), and as a direct translation it means homesickness. Earlier nostalgia was an illness comparable to melancholy, describing a state where the patient was far away from home and wanted to return there. Nowadays, homesickness is no longer regarded as an illness or as a state that leads to problems. The meaning of the term nostalgia has, therefore, changed completely from an illness that should be taken seriously into a longing and frivolous daydreaming.
We talk about feeling nostalgia for old places when we mean that we admire old times and have a kind of “memories grow sweeter with time” attitude. In the Nostalgia of the place video, I portray an old tree, our family’s holy tree. That tree represents to me everything that I have seen and experienced in the yard that surrounds that tree; gladness, joy, sadness, longing, homesickness.
Peace and Quiet:
People are looking for peace and quiet from nature, from a new living environment and/or from religion. Sometimes peace and quiet have ben found and sometimes not.
The reflections of power:
The reflections of power can be seen in the corridors of power, in the historic buildings and in the city`s dynamic lifestyle.