Descrizione Opera / Biografia
About the sculpture:
In his work “Drone Stone” the artist focuses on data storage format.
He approaches current issues such as data protection, monitoring and surveillance and comments with his sculpture on this public debate. The genesis of the sculpture refers to a biological phenomenon of our history, the origin of amber. In the Cretaceous, insects, tightened by resin, remained stuck on the liquid until they were washed into the sea, hardening there for millions of years. Even today, fossils can be seen in amber and thereby provide information about the topology of the prehistoric data store.
About the artist:
In his works he refers to our physical culture and the human craving for outer selfoptimization and spiritual quest. Especially in his room installations and performances, the artist deals with phenomena from the sports-, relaxation- and entertainment-industry and uses their controversial products and services in his art.
Simon Heusser’s next exhibition takes place at the Manifesta 11 Biennial in Zurich summer 2016.
More information about his installation Paradise Retreat you will find on the links below: