Premio Combat Prize

Soteris Phoraris - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Float

acrylic, panel

Soteris Phoraris

nato/a a Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
residenza di lavoro/studio: Limassol, CYPRUS

iscritto/a dal 16 apr 2016

visualizzazioni: 878


Altre opere

 | Float

acrylic, panel

 | Float

acrylic, panel

 | Nest-Folia

mixed media, reclaimed wood

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

€Float is an exploration of population motility on a macrosocietal,political and humanistic plane.Effectively and upon first reaction population movement influences a person's immediateenvironment both physically and emotionally, but as the scope increases on the subject so dothe observable effects on society at large. Float seeks to instigate a dialogue between thefluidity of the micro to macro society, the individual to the group and that of a floating (fluid)identity.


Artist’s Bio

As a result of his mother and father being violently displaced from the northern part of Cyprus,Soteris Phoraris was born in Chicago, Illinois. His childhood was spent between the cities ofChicago and West Lafayette, Indiana. While in the United States Soteris would experience theunspoken, yet evident longing that immigrants (which where also his family) always feel for theirhomeland. He experienced both his mother's parents (which he was extremely close to) pass ina foreign country (until their final days reminiscing about their lost land of birth and origin), ineventuality only to return to their homeland for their last rights. Although painful at the time, onlyas an adult would Soteris realize the profound affect those events had on his persona and bodyof work. As an adolescent his father and mother decided to move the family back to Cyprus sotheir children could have the opportunity to experience the culture and people of their homeland.Adaptation was challenging but Soteris overcame cultural and linguistic barriers, and finishedhis secondary education on the island and also served a mandatory military service. Hereturned to West Lafayette to study Fine Arts at Purdue University and was awarded aBachelors of Arts Degree at the end of 2009. With the conclusion of his education Soterisreturned to Cyprus in an attempt to explore further his concept and his identity as a product of amultinational upbringing.