Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Artifact without an author
Where flowers grow only in a flower vase, not on earth.
Seeds are just waste stuff
From the wine drop only the grape plant starts its origin
And from this origin, originates another drop of wine.
The Matchstick’s son is sun
Wherein shadows of things we can watch on sun.
Tree wood of boat grows distance from the same boat.
Tree grows here in a magical way, into first half of a tree
And becomes the size of bud, then to a full-fledged tree.
I am influenced by myself to myself. I was born in a home, not in a cave. I often wondered looking at nature and its natural self many a times. During my childhood everyone used water from taps and I thought even the trees did. Whenever I look at the rain, I ask there a bigger tap, there beneath the clouds? Up in the sky?’, for the forests and crops. I enjoy rains, I love to get wet in the rains, than taking a shower in an enclosed four walled room. I wish now to soak myself in the droplets of these rains that consists my thoughts and colour pigments.
Materialism (physicalism) tells us that the world was created in pandemonium. It is in an abstract form. To a materialist, matter is primary. Life, mind and artifacts are secondary. We can’t hold it entirely. But through fiction, I am creating an ’artifact materialism’.
My concept is that artifact is primary. Every other thing derived from it, like life and nature are secondary. For example a helicopter is at a particular place. It is not created by somebody, it was created by itself. As in materialism, abstract matter is primary. For this helicopter to fly, space is created, for landing too place is created by itself.
My primary artifacts create a less visual play between the nature and them self. I wish to the viewer should be more imaginative (multimedia conceptual art) through my paintings. If we take a wine bottle, it is schematic. It is as an inception of the Big Bang. It is a singularity. In reality, my assumption, the substance’s surface is a malfunction; inside is functional. So the surface and the inside both are different. But here I interpret the only surface, the surface and functions are same (unimaginable). Normally materials are made with atoms in reality. But In my paintings the objective material is solid without any possibility for division and henceforth the function should be outside only. For instance a grape plant when grows, the connection is needed between seed and mud, water and air. Whereas in my painting, it’s as though I am using a remote control, the grape plant is originating from a drop of wine, and this drop exists only in a wine bottle, but the plant springs up somewhere else, may be in some other world (another canvas). In this place sounds are another way, for instance, if river flows, sound as ”boat” ”boat”..... These are my rules of bizarre, I do not want to limit my thoughts, I just want to target at new things. Every object has its own story and it is different in every region.
In reality physicality of the artifacts is a combination of mind and matter, it is a marionette. In my world that is supreme. So, I give new physical features to them. Where the object in reality, though we look through one angle of an aim, even our mind works in every angle due to which space has been made. Therefore an object has to exist that should possess so many angles in nature, even if one is lost it becomes space or remains in space. But, I am breaking this, using only a single angle thereby creating objects.
I stick a piece of magnet behind the canvas for each object in order to destabilize the static characteristic of the objects that I paint and make an effort to recreate a kind of magnetic field around my ‘artifacts’. And I am forwarding the found objects of Duchamp with traditional way of painting is untraditional.
Born 1971, Medukurthy, Andhra Pradesh, India. Lives and works in Hyderabad. EDUCATION Graduation: 1986-1992; B.F.A J.N.T.U.College of fine arts, Hyderabad. Post-Graduation: 1996-1998; M.F.A University of Hyderabad. FINALIST For installation work in Art, Laguna Prize 2015 (Italy). For installation work in Premio Combat Prize 2015 (Italy). AWARDS 47th All India Art exhibition by the Hyderabad art society, 1988. ONE MAN SHOW On 13th Sep, 1998, at C.I.E.F.L, Hyderabad. EXHIBITION PARTICIPATION J.N.T.U. College of Fine Arts Annual Exhibitions; 1988,1989,1990,1991.All India Art Exhibitions, The Hyderabad Art Society;1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994. P.S. Telugu University Exhibition of Art, Hyderabad; 1997. ARTIST CAMPS Andhra Pradesh Young Artists Camp by A.P. Govt., 1997,1998,1999,2000