Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Conscious can neither be created nor destroyed.
If I describe my work in a traditional sense, it would be partial. That means, I would be relating it to the surroundings, my life, some influence, linking it to this region, or say Japan, co-relating it to the western world, or space, the universe and so on… we are thinking now, in the contemporary period in the universe. But I am interested in the times beyond. Imagine, if we occupy this universe and traverse from one Big Bang to another, then what do we see? How many times does the Big Bang repeat? A hundred times? A thousand times? Or one million or trillion times? Then how many times was this conscious (Life) born?, One thousand, one thousand thousand times, I don’t know. So, I am trying to explore this interesting ’repeated conscious’, consciously.
I firmly believe that if the substance of the Big Bang is repeated and continues to exist, then the ’repeated conscious’s memories ( incidents) that it carries should also be co-existing.
It is my conviction that the time and space’s ’repeated conscious’ includes customs, art & culture, social issues, life behaviors’, philosophies and so on. It in turn means that we have repeated Einsteins, Van Goghs, Picassos, more common men with different names, and even their ideas more or less being similar. Though physicality of the conscious is lost, the memories of conscious linger on at that place. The memories do not stagnate but are kinetic in the form of waves in this space (just as Einstein’s gravitational waves).There is a possibility for the brain to capture these waves like an antenna.
My brain is stimulated by this ‘memories’ postulate. May be my ideas are overlapped with ’repeated conscious’ ideas or use old ideas as energized with new ideas. It is a closed book an enigma. This concept is similar to surrealism’s attribute of unconscious’s the chaos and the irrational.
These works are sort of ephemeral works. My approach to art is interdisciplinary; I perform, I paint, use substance and use media tools as well. The end product is an art installation covered in video format.
Born 1971, Medukurthy, Andhra Pradesh, India. Lives and works in Hyderabad. EDUCATION Graduation: 1986-1992; B.F.A J.N.T.U.College of fine arts, Hyderabad. Post-Graduation: 1996-1998; M.F.A University of Hyderabad. FINALIST For installation work in Art, Laguna Prize 2015 (Italy). For installation work in Premio Combat Prize 2015 (Italy). AWARDS 47th All India Art exhibition by the Hyderabad art society, 1988. ONE MAN SHOW On 13th Sep, 1998, at C.I.E.F.L, Hyderabad. EXHIBITION PARTICIPATION J.N.T.U. College of Fine Arts Annual Exhibitions; 1988,1989,1990,1991.All India Art Exhibitions, The Hyderabad Art Society;1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994. P.S. Telugu University Exhibition of Art, Hyderabad; 1997. ARTIST CAMPS Andhra Pradesh Young Artists Camp by A.P. Govt., 1997,1998,1999,2000