Descrizione Opera / Biografia
This digital collage intreprets the existential atmosphere in our consumer society, where virtues have another names than before. Wisdom or devotion are not in vogue, we appreciate more enjoyment and greedyness, things that speed up the market. In contemporary society, luxurious surrealism has become true.
Urban spaces, advertisement and media surfaces, they all witness about overflowing seduction. Ethics has been replaced by excess: more you produce or consume or waste the planet, more the economy grows.
Alchemist, activist, mystic, social critic and philosopher – Ulla Karttunen’s art connects opposite spheres. She uses banal materials like media junk, ketchup or toilet paper to construct portraits of unlikely saints or to depict the blind spots of society.
Ulla Karttunen is a Finland-based multidisciplinary artist, who has focused on ’digital icons’ and other digitally and manually manipulated images and installations, but has also made critical interventions, performances, and conceptual projects. Karttunen has exhibited recently in London, Los Angeles, Helsinki, Berlin, Porvoo, Leipzig, Joensuu, Weimar and Ljubljana. She is interested in questions concerning art and society – power relations, censorship, gender, artistic activism – and has given lectures at conferences in Prague, Yokohama, Torino, Warsaw, Vienna, Genoa, Cartagena and Beijing. She has written and published approximately 200 essays on philosophical questions in contemporary art and socially critical everyday aesthetics.
Karttunen’s visual art is documented in artist monographs published in 2009, 2011 and 2014. The name of one of these books, ”Ulla Karttunen, A Modern Mystic” (Publications of the Joensuu Art Museum 1/2011), tells of her artistic inclinations: she is not only an avantgardist or a social critic but could also be seen as a mystic or visual philosopher of our digital age.
For her pioneering work in multidisciplinary art, Ulla Karttunen was awarded a 5-year grant for artistic work by the Finnish state at the beginning of 2015.