Premio Combat Prize

Ursa Schoepper - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia

 | land of dream2

land of dream2
colorpigment on aludibond,
24 x 40 cm

Ursa Schoepper

nato/a a Westfalen
residenza di lavoro/studio: Rheinbach Near Bonn, GERMANY

iscritto/a dal 13 apr 2016

visualizzazioni: 1221


Altre opere

 | land of dream

land of dream
colorpigment on aludibond,
24 x 40 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Ursa Schoepper _ Experimental Fine Art Photography
Ursa Schoepper developed autonomous photographic fine art works that exist as a virtual reality in a realistic reality. A photographic image is generated through algorithmic grammar into an autonomous work of fine art photography. It is a transformation of real objects into abstract objects, the transformation of the concrete into an abstract art work, an abstract autonomous photographic artwork.
Ursa Schoeppers photographic artworks represents the inherent not yet. Photographic material seen as a process matter. According to Ernst Bloch matter is always matter in process, and the urge to forward a not-yet carry within themselves. A new and innovative technology, such as the digital image capture and image transformation allows, as a deliberate offensive action the creative process. It is no longer primarily a technical feature, but generative instance. It is the liberation of the photography by the image. You can distinguish between the form of existence, the physical shape of objects, the action of the form, the Publication frequency of Objects, and the imagination form, gained from existence and action of the artistic work.
My experimental photographic artworks Land of dreams and land of dreams 2 are virtual and fictional images.
© Ursa Schoepper
I wish all jury members will enjoy looking at the artworks. With my best regards Ursa Schoepper