Premio Combat Prize

Vergauwen Victor - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Getting Dark

Getting Dark
acrilic, paper
73 x 110

Vergauwen Victor

nato/a a Lier
residenza di lavoro/studio: Kontich, BELGIUM

iscritto/a dal 01 mar 2016

visualizzazioni: 1188


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

CESARE MOTTA 30 (Cesare Cacciavillani Motta) *
Abano Terme, Veneto, Italy
Fine Art
1. Ministero Istruzione Università Ricerca - Settore Istruzione Artistica,
2. I.I.A.
The Belgium painter Victor Vergauwen, in its creative approach, doesn’t look for inspiration in the effective reality, but into the actual thought. The formal and chromatic elements of its synthetic paintings mean literally them itself and nothing else. The figures created by Vergauwen, released in the descriptive traditional perspective, may induce the imitation of actual data of apparent reality, but, to the contrary, live and react in an open multidimensional space, non-Euclidean.
This artist does not imitate the misleading appearances of visual perception, but creates even more original ones coming from the live thought or from the spirit. Vergauwen tends substantially to a figurative, abstract art, into creation and never to reproduce or reinterpret the visual natural reality. The paintings of this artist are not descriptive, not amusing, not moral, not psychological, them being served by no meaning (objective) becomes pure liberal art of great realities. Mind you, the term should be understood as autonomous artistic reality and not as reality.