Premio Combat Prize

Zivile Kasparaviciute - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Not Everyone Dies Alone (Siamese Twins)

Not Everyone Dies Alone (Siamese Twins)
acrylic, canvas
76 x 101 cm

Zivile Kasparaviciute

nato/a a Alytus, Lithuania
residenza di lavoro/studio: London, UNITEDKINGDOM

iscritto/a dal 14 apr 2016

Under 35

visualizzazioni: 817


Altre opere

 | Snow Queen in the Night

Snow Queen in the Night
acrylic, glitter, canvas
101 x 76 cm

 | Two Men in Love

Two Men in Love
acrylic, canvas
91 x 61 cm

 | It’s a Nightmare, Just a Nightmare. Wake Up!

It’s a Nightmare, Just a Nightmare. Wake Up!
acrylic, canvas
91 x 61 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

In 2011, whilst in her last year of Lithuanian Philology studies at Vilnius University, Zivile moved to London to gain new experiences. She thought it would be the time for painting and getting to know this metropolis, which is so beloved by Lithuanians. Right after graduation Zivile bought new paintbrushes, which she has not stopped using up to this day.
Having no formal art education Zivile does not refer to academic art standards but rather follows her intuition and is led by spontaneity, hence is inclined to experiment with styles. Maybe it is the reason her artworks look quite different as if they have not been created by the same artist. Such stylistic diversity reveals her nature – as seeker and explorer.
The artist currently lives and works in London, United Kingdom.
Zivile’s artistic inspiration derives from traditional and social media as well as self-reflection and personal relationships. Human beings. Human temporality, beginning and the end, family and solitude, precious, pleasant and dramatic moments, miracles, inner demons and reality – that’s what Zivile endeavours to depict on her canvases. All of these things are influenced by the passage of time, which humans perceive subjectively, through their personal experiences. They are catalyst of various events that make an impact not only on themselves but also people, who surround them, or people they may not even know.
Solo exhibitions:
2016 “People Like Us”, Alytus Cultural and Communication Centre, Alytus, Lithuania
2015 “People Like Us”, Business Centre “3 Bures”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2015 “People Like Us”, Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the United Kingdom, London, United Kingdom
Not Everyone Dies Alone (Siamese Twins) speaks about inability to be in solitude, about inescapable companionship that might be destructing, although evoking love.