OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Rose De Paradise

Rose De Paradise
watercolor and tempera, paper
10 x 15 cm

Aase Birkhaug

nato/a a Paradis Bergen Norway
residenza di lavoro/studio: BERGEN, NORWAY

iscritto/a dal 09 mar 2020


visualizzazioni: 2327


Altre opere

 | rose Felicite Parmentier

rose Felicite Parmentier
tempera & watercolr, paper
10 x 15 cm

 | Princess of Roses

Princess of Roses
tempera on canvas, gold
38 x 46

 | Princess of Roses II

Princess of Roses II
tempera & watercolor, paper & gold
10 x 15

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Painter & physical therapist - Aase Birkhaug
Believing that surroundings can influence one` s health and mind, Painter and Physiotherapist Aase Birkhaug has combined her two passions by painting roses for a soothing effect on humans.
I am compared to the famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo who said “I paint flowers so that they shall not die “ and I say” I paint Roses so that I shall not die”. Impact on humans from nature, flora, botanics and for me the most beautiful flower The Rose.
We often search for answers to our questions and believe the complicated answer to be the solution to the complicated question. It is not always like that, if we use the words of the English Association of Healers : Healing is gentle, simple and effective.
Having fallen in love with flowers, nature and painting from early age, it was only natural to merge these factors together at some point, and by combining the aesthetic beauty of botany with her skills as a painter.
It is documented that colors have an effect on the sensory system, and some years ago I made the waiting room in my physiotherapy office into an exhibition for my paintings, so I discovered that it influenced the patients mental state.
My paintings are regularly described as very soft and mild. The color combinations I use are tastefully and delicately fused to make a motif that can be described as very soothing to the eye.
I discovered several years ago that Roses have a positive effect on me, almost like healing, and the combination of the smell and the sight feels like a meditation, bringing about a certain calmness, this is something I try to reflect in my paintings.
I do my paintings in different media – Aquarelle – Tempera – Gouache – Oil – Acrylics and Pastel.
I have been drawing and painting since I was 6 years old.
I have had exhibitions both in Norway and several country s abroad during the years 1990 – 2019. Approximately 70 - 80 international art exhibitions in 2016 - 2019.
The most important
1. Florence Biennale 2017
2. Chianciano Biennale 2018
3. London Art Biennale 2019
Since march 2016 I have received 78 international art awards and international art prizes.
I have also received many international art critics during the period 2016-2020.
There are also a very long list of publications as articles and books about my art published internationally the last three years as well in, Art Monaco, Canada, Italy, London England UK, Germany, France, Middle East, Denmark, USA, New York, Miami ,Los Angeles, Philippines, Dubai, Argentina and Norway.
2018-2020 Designer for Costanza House of Fashion international.
Designer for Vida & Co : https://shopvida.com/collections/aase-birkhaug
In my family we have several painters who have inspired my artwork and inspired with painting and the paintings I have painted during the years of my painting career.
To mention some names in my art family- painter Anna Sofie Brunchorst Ibsen, the famous poet Henrik Ibsen, painter Harald Ibsen, painter Borghild Ibsen and prof dr med Conrad Birkhaug.
I have attended art and painting classes during the years from I was 13 years old until this anno 2020.
Link The London Art Biennale artist page2019 with many Art Critics from international Art Curators and my full CV with more information : https://www.londonbiennale.co.uk/artist/aase-birkhaug
TV interview about Art Health Nature ( Roses ) The Rose Garden 13.10.2018 25 minutes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDur0tKh_No&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3bRwF8ooSOAwXFlQkfkK2h0U2vvxzndkPlQfXH4amYRaXDc-gdh5GLsXY
My book “THE ROSE GARDEN” published march 2018 in London UK & Musei di Chianciano : https://issuu.com/museodarte/docs/aasebirkhaug-therosegarden
My Book Artistic Visions published june 2017 in New York : https://issuu.com/amsterdamwhitneygallery/docs/artistic_visions_of_aase_birkhaug_i
TV interview the 1 st of may 2019 – New York - Art Tour International – The Top 60 International Artists Award 2019 You Tube Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpPoAHqfjr4&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3UM_rEexrm_EOPvyE0gRA6zJ24sNIZOx358jecXhyz_RSdPv9irPlC1jo
Visit my website : www.aasebirkhaugart.com
Webshop : https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/aase-birkhaug
Webshop : Webshop -https://pixels.com/profiles/aase-birkhaug.html
ART – NATURE - HEALTH PROJECT – THE IMPACT OF ROSES , FLORALS AND NATURE ON HUMANS PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY : https://www.jottacloud.com/p/terondo/c7e40bca406a40a39cb93b8bc8837b01/thumbs/@c7e40bca406a40a39cb93b8bc8837b01_@52:195ac4c799025b5ee1ea3ab19c0bd093
WHO – The worlds health Organization : http://www.euro.who.int/en/media-centre/events/events/2019/11/launch-of-first-who-report-on-the-evidence-base-for-arts-and-health-interventions The impact of art to physical and mental health.