Descrizione Opera / Biografia
The installation we are looking at describes the state of our lives when looking from a comfortable backrest, e.g. migration, disease ... and we don’t do anything about it. But the fingerprints in the backrest say that it concerns us, even when we look away and touch us. This installation also represents the current situation in which we find ourselves.
I was born on 23rd May 1981 in Novo mesto. After finishing secondary graphic school in Ljubljana I entered Faculty of Education in Maribor where I graduated in 2006 at prof. Samuel Grajfoner’s in graphics with the theme Palimpsest in Graphics.
In 2010 I finished Masters studies with Proficieny in graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana at prof. Branko Suhy and prof. Jožef Muhovič’s.
I participate in group exhibitions and Fine Arts colonies and lead art workshops for children and adults.