| How to Disappear

How to Disappear
province of styria
20 minutes

Leonhard Müllner

nato/a a
residenza di lavoro/studio: Vienna, AUSTRIA

iscritto/a dal 02 mag 2020

Under 35


visualizzazioni: 430


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Password: awol
How to Disappear is an anti-war film in the truest sense of the word. Searching for peace in the most unlikely of places – an online war game – it is a tribute to disobedience and desertion, in both the digital and real worlds of warfare. Shot in the picturesque landscapes of “Battlefield V”, the film’s hyperreal graphics become the backdrop for an essayistic narrative. The film focuses on the rarely told history of deserters. Performances and creative interventions explore both the scope and the limits of the audiovisual entertainment industry. (Berlinale)
Leonhard Müllner, * 1987 in Graz, lives and works in Vienna as a visual artist and media researcher. He studied Visual Art and Media Art in Linz (AT), Leipzig (DE) and Vienna (AT). Currently he is writing his PHD in Practice in the field of Cultural Studies. Müllner has international exhibition, screening and residency experience. From 2018-2019 he achieved 13 awards, like the Vimeo Staff Pick Award, “Best Austrian Film” award at VIS, the Loop Discovery Award Barcelona and the Contemporary Visual Arts Award of Styria Province, amongst others.

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